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Material Tracking: A Powerful Ally of Circular Design

Introduction As I sit at my favourite café in the heart of a bustling city, sipping a latte from a disposable cup, I check my smartphone, a marvel of modern technology that fits perfectly in the palm of my hand. I find myself contemplating the journey of the chair I'm sitting on and the cup I drink from. I wonder about the path these materials have taken to arrive here and what lies ahead for them once their usefulness has been exhausted. This chair, for instance, has likely been a part of this café for years, witnessing countless conversations and personal moments. It originated in a factory, where raw materials are transformed into furniture and transported to this café, where it has served as a seat for hundreds of customers. My disposable cup, on the other hand, is relatively new; it might be only a month old, but it too[...]

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We’ve launched a consultancy!

Dear circular material explorers and aficionados,  We launched the Circular Material Library in 2020 in response to the growing number of innovative, sustainable materials coming to market. Through the development of the library, we learned how challenging and rare it[...]

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