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Navigating Climate Change Through Deep Adaptation

One of my heroes is the author and documentarian Douglas Rushkoff (see Team Human). I recently revisited a conversation he had with author and teacher Jem Bendell in ep 270 of his podcast where they discuss navigating climate change through deep adaptation. At the core of their conversation is the question, “What if scale itself is the problem?”, which is a controversial and upsetting opinion. We know climate change is inevitable and we see our modern, industrial (dependent on coal, oil and gas), consumer-driven society is collapsing. In part, this belief is what led us to our work at Circular Design Co, because sustainability is incredibly complex and challenging to navigate. It’s our “nature” to think we can technologize or capitalize our way out of this mess, but the concept of constant growth is inherently at odds with sustainability. Jem’s background is in corporate sustainability, and he goes on to[...]

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